Welcome to TCTF!

TCTF is an ongoing practice arena deployed for George Mason University's cybersecurity club. Access is restricted to just them and an exception code for Marshall Academy, if nothing else for load purposes. This infrastructure is presently paid for out of pocket, but GMU has agreed to reimburse. A great deal of CTF problems are written by Paul Benoit and Michael Bailey, with the server maintained mostly by Michael but Paul has key access.

If your submission doesn't work, follow the format of masoncc{flag} when submitting flags. If you find a string of text in a problem with masoncc{ in it, submit it. If you feel there is an error, reach out to someone in Slack or email [email protected].

A note on Caffix's Corner

Caffix's Corner is a series of pwning problems designed from Chris Robert's prior presentations. Chris Roberts and Chris Issing worked. They're rather advanced, as the category they belong to (the pwning/binary exploitation area) predicate themselves on a great deal of prior computer knowledge. Do not be intimidated if you see others solve it and you can't. However, they are worth a good deal due to their difficulty. Remember, at the end of the day, there are no prizes and this is just an educational tool.

A note on meetings

A lot of these are added during meetings. If you're at a meeting, it's highly likely you'll get your hand held through at least some of them, and it's highly likely you'll have time to ask one of the authors about how to solve. If you care that much about this, that alone is a good reason to show up